Visit from President Göger to Governor Elban
Visit from President Göger to Governor Elban

Adana Chambers of Craftsmen and Craftsmen Union President Niyazi Göger visited our Adana Governor Süleyman Elban on the occasion of Ahi-Order Week, together with the Provincial Director of Commerce Adnan Ekiz and our board members.

Our President Niyazi Göger, who gave information about the contents of the celebration of the Ahi-Order Week, invited our Adana Governor Süleyman Elban to the caftan and award ceremony.

Expressing his satisfaction with the visit, our Governor Süleyman Elban congratulated our nation's Ahi-Order Week; He stated that the Ahilik, which is one of the numerous values bestowed by our national culture, is not only a professional organization, but also a spiritual training center.

Our Governor Süleyman Elban said, “It is our common responsibility to transfer this beautiful cultural heritage to the future. I fully believe that our tradesmen and craftsmen in our city also keep this philosophy, which is based on principles such as trade ethics, cooperation and solidarity, in the best way possible.

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