Our nation wrote a heroic epic on July 15
Our nation wrote a heroic epic on July 15

Adana Union of Chambers of Craftsmen and Craftsmen (Adana ESOB) President Niyazi Göger said that the struggle against the treacherous coup attempt of 15 July was one of the greatest lessons of democracy in history.

Adana ESOB President Niyazi Göger stated that the treacherous uprising carried out by the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) on July 15, 2016 left deep impressions on the memories, as well as hiding an epic that will consolidate our national unity and solidarity forever.

Calling on the tradesmen, craftsmen and people of Adana to hang flags on their homes, workplaces and vehicles in order to live the 15 July Democracy and National Unity Day in a way worthy of their spirit, our President Niyazi Göger said in his statement, "The coup attempt that took place on the night of July 15, 2016 against our beloved nation and this land, It is the greatest betrayal in the history of the Republic. The heedless members of the FETO terrorist organization, who disregarded the national will, did not take into account the courage, patriotism, love of independence, flag and call to prayer of the great Turkish nation, which filled the squares with the call of our President, and got the answer they deserved. The sons of this great nation, who did not hesitate to sacrifice themselves and were so fond of their homeland that they would throw themselves in front of a tank, gave the necessary answer to FETO traitors and their domestic and foreign supporters with the spirit of liberation war."

Underlining that those who embarked on treacherous plans on this country were drowned in their own traps in the face of the will and upright stance of the nation, our Union President Niyazi Göger said, "The Turkish nation has shown once again, at the expense of their blood and lives, that on the night of July 15, they will not surrender even an inch of this land that they have irrigated with their noble blood. May Allah never let us experience a betrayal like July 15 again. I remember," he said.

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