Florist shopkeepers open on the weekend for Mother s Day
Florist shopkeepers open on the weekend for Mother s Day

Florists will be open on Saturday and Sunday, May 8-9, 2021 due to Mother's Day.

During the full closure period, florists were exempted from the weekend curfew due to Mother's Day, which will be celebrated on Sunday, May 9th.

Citizens will be able to shop at the nearest florist to their residence on Saturday and Sunday, 8-9 May 2021, between 10:00-17:00.

In addition, florist tradesmen will be able to serve in the form of home delivery between 10.00-24.00 on these dates. Employees of florists who work in the home delivery service will also be exempted from the curfew.

Adana Union of Chambers of Craftsmen and Craftsmen (Adana ESOB) President Niyazi Göger expressed that it is pleasing for the tradesmen that florists are excluded from the weekend curfew due to Mother's Day. Expressing that special days such as Mother's Day are the periods when florist tradesmen do the most business, President Niyazi Göger said, "Due to the virus epidemic, our florist tradesmen have experienced difficult times like our tradesmen in all sectors. However, I believe that the activity to be experienced due to Mother's Day will be the lifeblood of our florist tradesmen." .

Suggesting that citizens should always give their gifts together with a bouquet of flowers, even if they have received different gifts, President Niyazi Göger said, "Because the flower, which is the most meaningful gift of special days, is also the most elegant and beautiful way to express our love."

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