Restriction on the sale of products in the markets
Restriction on the sale of products in the markets

The Ministry of Interior declared that the sale of any product other than the products within the scope of the compulsory basic needs of the citizens in the markets (including chains and supermarkets) will not be allowed.

It was reminded that with the circular on "Market Measures" sent by the Ministry to the governorships of 81 provinces, the procedures and principles regarding the curfew applied during the full closure period were determined and announced to the governors.

In this context, it is stated that all commercial enterprises, workplaces and/or offices will be closed, except for the places where basic food, medicine and cleaning products are sold during the curfew, and the workplaces within the scope of the exemption in order not to disrupt the production, manufacturing, supply and logistics chains. In the circular, it was mentioned again that grocers, markets, bakeries, butchers, greengrocers, nuts and sweet shops will be able to operate between 10.00-17.00 during the full closure period, limited to meeting the compulsory basic needs of citizens, and chains and supermarkets will remain closed on Sundays.

In the circular, new measures were announced as a result of the meetings with the relevant ministries, public institutions and organizations, professional chambers and sector representatives in order to prevent the densities that may occur in the markets during the curfew.

Accordingly, it will not be allowed to sell any products in the markets (including chains and supermarkets) other than the products that are within the scope of the compulsory basic needs of the citizens.

As of Friday, May 7, in addition to basic food and cleaning products, only animal feed, food and cosmetic products (excluding perfumery and make-up materials) will be able to be sold in markets (including chains and supermarkets).

In addition to the previous restriction on the sale of alcoholic products, electronic goods, toys, stationery, clothing and accessories, home textiles, auto accessories, garden materials, hardware, glassware, etc. Products will not be allowed to be sold.

In line with these principles, in accordance with Articles 27 and 72 of the Public Health Law, the decisions of the Provincial/District Public Health Boards will be taken immediately.

Notifications and controls regarding this issue will be carried out completely by the inspection teams, especially the police officers and law enforcement officers. There will be no disruptions in the application and no grievances will be caused.

Our Union President Niyazi Göger, who made statements on the subject, said that with the "Market Measures" circular of our Ministry of Interior, the fact that chain markets are not allowed to sell products other than food, cleaning products, animal feed, food and cosmetic products and that they are closed on Sundays is a pleasing decision to support small tradesmen during the pandemic process. said that.

In taking the decision to protect our tradesmen and craftsmen against unfair competition, our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, our Minister of Interior, Mr. To Süleyman Soylu,  Our Minister of Commerce, Mr. Thanking Mehmet Muş and those who contributed, our President Niyazi Göger expressed that they hoped that the decision covering the Full Closing period, which strengthened the hand of small tradesmen by increasing their competitiveness against chain markets, would continue to be implemented after the closure period.

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